Thursday, January 5, 2012

HE Laundry Detergent Powder Method

Here is a post that I just read for HE machines.  Personally the other one that is posted doesn't suds and could also be used, but this is one from someone that uses in hers and it works great. 

Do-It-Yourself laundry detergent
• 3 bars of soap. (I used to use Ivory) 5 oz. (guessing Fels Napa just the same)
• 3 cups Borax
• 3 cups Arm & Hammer washing soda ($5 for 55 oz)

First, cover your table with newspaper (especially if you tend to make more of a mess that is necessary like me…lol)
Grate the bars of soap into a container using a cheese grater and add the Borax and Arm & Hammer Washing Soda. Mix it up well and store in an air tight container.
You will only need about 1/4 cup for a full load.